At Newman Foundation, Inc. we believe that our Grants Program is a vital part of our organization not only because it helps develop student leaders and provides resources to those in need, but because it teaches an invaluable lesson: OUTREACH. The Grants Program reinforces the idea that students and others need to carry Catholic values into the community. By bringing people into contact with each other, we can discover the true meaning of cor ad cor loquitur, or heart speaks to heart. These words appear on John Henry Cardinal Newman’s coat of arms and are essential to our mission.
Since 1980, Newman Foundation, Inc. has facilitated the generous support of community members for campus ministry through the Grants Program. In over 30 years, Newman Foundation, Inc. has given millions of dollars to deserving causes!
- Alyssa Mertka through the Gaines Fellowship for the Humanities to complete a jury project aimed at helping students, parishioners, and visitors to the UK Newman Center gain deeper appreciation for its religious art by providing a virtual tour.
- Alex Disibio at Georgetown College Newman Center to fund t-shirts as part of a promotional effort to gain support for the Newman presence at Georgetown College.
- BUILD: to buy translation equipment and be inclusive of the Spanish speaking community that supports BUILD’s objectives. The equipment was especially useful at the Nehemiah Action Assembly, which helps solve Lexington’s social justice issues such as the Affordable Housing Fund.
- University of Kentucky Special Education Students to travel to Guatemala and work with disabled children in orphanages and schools.
- Georgetown College, Alex Caudill, and Matthew Lageman of Ss. Francis & John Catholic Parish for the Father Beiting Appalachian Mission in Louisa, KY as an alternative spring break trip.
- JR Zerkowski and St. Paul Catholic Church to engage Transylvania University students in ministry by hosting discussion and meals for students to engage them in Catholic life.
- St. Paul Parish Youth Ministry: to send students to participate in the Catholic H.E.A.R.T. Work camp mission trip in New Orleans, LA
- UK Newman Center Music Ministry/ Holy Spirit Parish: to purchase cymbells used during liturgies and other events
- Catholic Campus Ministry of St. Mark: to provide Sunday Suppers to students throughout the semester
- Ss. Francis & John Catholic Parish: to provide Catholic educational materials through the office of religious life at Georgetown College
Sunday Suppers at St. Mark’s
- St. Paul Parish Youth Ministry: to send students to participate in a work camp mission
- Cathedral of Christ the King: to fund a summer bible study
- Diocese of Lexington: to fund the Safe Environment for Children training
- Jesus Our Savior Parish: to fund Newman Center Outreach at Morehead State University
- Ss. Francis & John Parish: to fund Newman Center Outreach at Georgetown College
- St. Paul Parish: to fund Newman Center Outreach at Transylvania University
- UK Newman Center/ Holy Spirit Parish: to fund National Conference participation for two staff members
- Wildcat Awakening: to fund lodging and food for a retreat of 70 people
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church: to fund a Networking Event and Support Group
- Holy Spirit Parish – Music Ministry: to fund for Music Ministers to attend the NAPA Conference
- St. Paul Parish – Youth Ministry: to fund registration and travel expenses for youth and leaders to attend Catholic H.E.A.R.T. Workcamp mission trip
- Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary School: to fund the English Language Learning teacher with the resources necessary to provide professional development training
- Holy Family Church/ Booneville: to fund for gardening for families in local area
- KY Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty: to fund for discussion with death row exhonoree Ray Krone
- Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Lexington: to fund for furniture for Catholic Charities clinical counseling office
- Community Inn: to fund an Art and Healing program for residents at Taylor Manor
- Taylor Manor: to fund residents with exercise videos and equipment
- Lexington Catholic High School Choir: to fund for new choral composition
- Newman Center Music Ministry: to fund for cabinet and cover for orchestra chimes at Newman Center
- BUILD: to fund the leadership training conference
- UK Newman Center Music Ministry/Holy Spirit Parish: to fund the purchase of a marimba in memory of James Weber and to add a new dimension to music at mass
- Fr. Albert J. DeGiacomo: to fund working more effectively with Mexican immigrants in the Lexington area
- St. Paul Youth Ministry: to fund for travel and participation in the Catholic H.E.A.R.T. Workcamp mission trip
- UK Newman Center Music Ministry/Holy Spirit Parish: to fund two staff members’ attendance of the National Assoc. of Pastoral Musicians convention
- UK Newman Center Music Ministry/Holy Spirit Parish: to supplement and replace kitchen Items to increase functionality of the Newman Center kitchen
- UK Newman Center Music Ministry/Holy Spirit Parish: to purchase percussion instruments
- The Kingdom Come Network (WMJR Real Life Radio): to fund purchase of two Sennheiser HMDS26-200-B& headsets for live remotes within the Diocese of Lexington
- Lexington Catholic High School Choir: to fund the composition of a choral piece
- St. Peter and Paul Catholic School: to fund the purchase of 8 crucifixes and 8 statues of Mary for classrooms
- UK Newman Center: to fund registration and lodging for three staff members at the 2011 Catholic Campus Ministry Association National Convention
- NC: Music & Liturgy Ministry: to fund for commission and composition of a choral piece in honor of the 50th anniversary of Fr. Walt’s ordinatio
- St. Camillus Academy: to fund refurbishing of religious statues
- Giant Steps for African Girls: to fund the Giant Steps for African Girls walk-a-thon fundraiser
- St. Paul Youth Group: to fund youth participation in the Catholic H.E.A.R.T. mission tri
- Diocese of Lexington: to fund the development of a multi-media package for the Office of Religious Education
- Catholic Action Center/God’s Garden: to fund the community garden project, providing food and educating the marginalized about growing, harvesting and processing food
- Office of Vocations, Diocese of Lexington: to fund the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS)
- Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Lexington: to update the Pregnancy Counseling-Adoption Lending Library
- Lexington Catholic High School Choir: to commission a new choral piece by David Childs for the Spring Concert
- Building a United Interfaith Lexington through Direct-Action (BUILD): to train leaders to successfully employ organizational skills, address localissues, and bring people of various backgrounds together
- St. Martha Catholic Church, Religious Formation: to purchase Faith-based videos/DVD’s for the Formation Program.
- Newman Center Women’s Lenten Retreat: to fund an Honorarium for the Lenten retreat facilitator
- Newman Center Student Organization: to send a team of students and campus ministers to Campus Ministry Institute
- Newman Center Student Organization: to send two teams of students on spring break service/learning trips
- SEARCH: to fund youth and adult peer-ministry retreat at Cliffview
- Our Lady of the Mountains School: to purchase musical instruments to enhance weekly worship & engage students in worship
- UK Newman Center/Holy Spirit Parish: to fund Organ lessons for music ministry staff members
- Saint Camillus Academy: to fund a new lectionary for school masses and refurbish statues
- Seton Catholic School & SEAS: to fund church handbell choir and purchase sheet music
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund lodging & local transportation for a spring break trip to New Mexico
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund lodging for a spring break trip to Washington, DC
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund lodging and gasoline for a spring break trip to Biloxi, MS for Habitat for Humanity
- Women’s Retreat: to fund expenses for retreat leaders
- Newman Center Music & Liturgical Ministry: to fund liturgy stipend and music student intern
- Newman Center Music & Liturgical Ministry: to fund musicians to attend National Association of Pastoral Musicians Convention
- Newman Center Student Organization: to fund a minister to attend Campus Ministry Conference
- Newman Center Student Organization: to fund fees and travel for campus minister to attend Campus Ministry Symposium
- Newman Center Student Organization: to fund fees, lodging, & travel for campus minister to attend the Campus Ministry Association Developmental Institute
- Newman Center Student Organization: to fund welcoming events for fall semester
- Newman Center High School CCD/Youth Ministry: to fund a high school student to attend Christian Leadership Institute
- St. Paul Youth Group: to fund transportation and accommodations for 6+ youth to attend Catholic H.E.A.R.T. camp
- Lexington Catholic High School Choir: to fund commission of a choral composition
- Seton Catholic School: to fund purchase of handbells and supplies for class ofpreschool children
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund a spring break trip to WORKFEST in Appalachia
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund a spring break trip to New York Urban’s Plunge
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund a spring break trip to Miami for Habitat for Humanity
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund a spring break trip to John’s Island for Habitat for Humanity
- Newman Center Health Ministries Program: to fund for an AED as recommended by Newman Center insurer
- Newman Center High School CCD/Youth Ministry: to fund student attendance at Lexington Christian Leadership Institute
- Catholic Social Service Bureau: to fund additional books to a resource library
- NCSC: to fund developing a long-range plan for NCSC
- Seton Catholic School: to purchase a Schulmerich Bells Melody Wave Instrument
- Franciscan Peace Center: to fund an Inter-religious presentation & paneldiscussion
- Newman Center Health Ministries Program: to fund spring CPR classes
- Newman Center Health Ministries Program: to purchase yoga class equipment
- Newman Center/Holy Spirit Parish: to fund for salary assistance for Father Amalanathan
- Newman Center: to fund the NCSC Southern Regional Chairperson meeting
- Newman Center: to fund a Natchitoches, LA spring break trip
- Newman Center: to fund a Camden, NJ spring break trip
- Newman Center: to fund a Miami, FL-HFH, spring break trip
- St. Vincent Mission: to support host volunteers who are repairing Appalachianhomes
- Theology on Tap: to fund team leader attendance at T.O.T. pre-conference & national conference
- Newman Center: to replace & supplement kitchen items
- Newman Center Adult CCD: to purchase audio visual cart and projection screen
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to send student leaders to the NCSC
- Newman Center Women’s Lent Retreat: to fund an annual retreat to Loretto Motherhous retreat center
- Birthright of Lexington: to purchase a laptop computer
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund a mission trip to Jamaica
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund 3 spring break trips
- EKU Newman Center: to fund a mission trip
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund the Habitat for Humanity spring break trip
- John T. Ice: to fund the transportation to oversee El Salvador elections
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund a mission trip to Jamaica
- St. Stephen Newman Center: to fund the continuing education/ Development Conference
- St. Stephen NC- EKU: to fund the National Catholic Coalition Conference in Wash. DC
- Newman Center: to fund the National Catholic Student Coalition Conf.
- Newman Center: to fund the National Convention of Catholic Campus Ministry
- Newman Center Women’s Lent Retreat: to fund the annual retreat to the Loretto Motherhous retreat center
- Newman Center Health Ministries Program: to fund CPR classes
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund a spring break service/ learning trip
- Newman Center Student Ministry to fund the Habitat for Humanity spring break trip
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund a spring break learning trip
- High School Parish Bereavement Ministry: to purchase books, training videos, and office supplies
- Newman Center Women’s Retreat: to fund retreat attendance
- Newman Center Campus Ministry: to fund attendance to Campus Ministry Development Institute
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund the annual white-water rafting trip
- Catholic Action Center: to fund the performance fundraiser
- Theology on Tap: to fund their 4-week speaker series
- St. Stephen Newman Center: to fund student attendance of the National Catholic Coalition Conference
- Young Adult Conference: to fund “Unite to Ignite”
- Newman Center Student Katheryn Huffman: to fund student attendance of the National Catholic Coalition Conference
- Newman Center Student R. Zeilmann: to purchase computer, monitor, and printer
- Newman Center High School Youth Group: to fund attendance to the National Catholic Youth Conference
- Theology on Tap: to fund postage, printing, and envelopes during their 4-week speaker series
- Pro Mission Project: to fund building a church in Mozambique
- Diocese of Lexington: to fund salary, fees, and supplies for campus ministry
- Newman Center Health Ministries Program: to fund an aerobics class
- Newman Center High School Youth CCD: to fund leadership training conference
- Newman Center Music Ministry: to fund musician’s retreat
- Newman Center Music Ministry: to send music ministry assistant to a conference
- Pro Mission Project: to fund a church in Mozambique
- Jesus Our Savior CNC: to fund attendance to Council for Ecumencial Children’s Ministry in New Mexico
- Jesus Our Savior Catholic Church: to fund ESL classes for Spanish speaking members
- Theology on Tap: to fund their four-week speaker series
- Mountain Moms at St. Peter’s: to fund transportation, Bibles, and devotional materials
- Social Justice Club LCHS: to fund transportation to pro-life in DC
- Women and Men Gathering: to fund the “ordain women” billboard
- NC Health Ministries Program: to fund CPR training
- The Piarist School: to fund girls and boys basketball teams
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund spring breaks trips
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund transportation for ministry trip to New Mexico
- Catholic Action Center: to fund art classes for inner city/parish children
- Catholic Service Bureau: to fund financial assistance for rent and utilities to the needy
- Newman Center Staff Development: to fund attendance of student ministers to professional development
- St. Stephen Newman Center: to fund attendance to NCSC–Annual Leadership Conf.
- Jesus Our Savior Catholic Cent: to fund attendance to NCSC meeting
- Social Justice Club – Lex.CHS: to fund transportation to pro-life in DC
- Newman Center High School Youth Group: to fund attendance to National Catholic Youth Conference
- Newman Center Staff: to fund internet service
- St. Peter Claver Church: to purchase art tapestry for worship space
- St. Anthony Catholic Church: to fund TV/VCR for youth group and adult education
- Newman Center Health Ministries Program: to fund large cuff sphygmomanometer
- Hispanic Ministry St. Patrick’s: to fund worship materials and music aids
- St. Stephen Newman Center: to fund attendance for students to Jubilee
- St. Vincent Mission: to fund supplies to build handicap ramp in home
- Newman Center Music Program: to fund sixty to attend musician’s retreat
- Newman Center: to fund VCR for CCD program
- Newman Center: to fund supplies
- Newman Center: to fund Liturgy Director expenses for one year
- Newman Center, Fr. Tom Farrell: to fund landscaping for the Newman Center and a new sign
- Newman Center, Fr. Tom Farrell: to fund a new magazine and pamphlet rack for the lobby
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to send student minister to the Center for Ministry Development
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to purchase computer and printer
- Newman Center, Tim Enoch: to fund a staff retreat
- Jesus Our Savior Catholic Church: to fund student attendance of National Catholic Student Coalition
- Women’s Retreat: to fund financial assistance for attendance, honorarium
- Greg Elder: to fund a third world missionary experience for six Newman Center students
- Ron Montaron & Beth McArdle: to fund NCSCC in Washington, DC for twelve students
- Newman Center office: to purchase a Gateway PC and Lexmark printer
- Newman Center office: to fund internet hook up
- Diocese of Lexington Youth Ministry: to fund for keynote speaker; Jesse Manibusan
- St Paul Church, McKee, KY: to fund the Community Helping Hands event
- All Saints High School, London, KY: to update Christian literature
- Newman Center Health Ministries Program: to fund CPR training for parishioners
- St Paul Youth Ministry, Lexington, KY: to fund attendance of the Catholic H.E.A.R.T Workcamp
- Newman Center Music Ministry: to fund attendance of the National Convention in Pittsburg, PA
- Transformation House: to fund the co-sponsor conference, “Breaking the Cycle of Violence”
- St Paul Youth Ministry, Lexington, KY: to fund NCYC Conference in St. Louis, MO
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund attendance of CCMA
- Sts. Peter & Paul School: to fund the Start a Family ministry program
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund transportation to Habitat for Humanity in Homestead, FL
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund Campus Ministry Leadership at Notre Dame
- St Peter Claver Church: to fund African American ministry training for Fr. Noll, Sr. Paolucci, and Greg Gerton
- Newman Center: to fund organist and organ lessons
- Movable Feast: to fund kitchen remodeling
- Christ Center for Children: to fund learning aides for Christ Center Learning Center
- Rev William Fedders & Sandra Convery: to fund student attendance at Morehead State Newman Center to attend CSC in Washington, DC.
- Fr Pat Stewart: to fund national CSCLC for students at St. Stephen Newman Center
- Barbara Markesbery: to fund a women’s retreat to Loretto Motherhouse in Nerix, KY
- Sts. Peter & Paul School: to fund a family ministry program
- Loretto Retreat Committee: to fund attendance
- Lexington Catholic Search Team: to fund attendance to retreat in Belize City
- Central America
- Mountain Moms at St Peters, Monticello, KY: to fund transportation, maintenance, and insurance for Sister Una
- St Camillus Academy, Inc.: to fund attendance to Children and Worship International workshop and purchase religious material
- St Paul Church, McKee, KY: to fund activities of women’s group and teen club
- Newman Center/ Holy Spirit parish: to fund attendance of staff members to the Leadership Conference in Chicago, IL
- Catholic Diocese of Lexington: to fund bus transportation of students to the NCYC conference in Kansas City
- Union College Newman Club: to purchase altar linens and processional cross
- Reach Youth Ministries: to fund youth retreats in the U.S and Canada
- ASPI Mount Vernon: to complete the nature trail system
- Fellowship Center at Wallins Creek: to fund adult education classes for GED students
- Women’s retreat: to fund room and board
- A Peace Place for Children: to fund the remodel of children’s bedrooms
- KCSC: to fund the Spring program (overnight retreat)
- Newman Center Student Leaders: to fund transportation and lodging to Denver NCSC
- The Piarist School: to purchase basketballs
- EKU Newman Center: to fund trip expenses to NCSC conference in Denver
- EKU Newman Center: to fund trip expenses for campus minister to attend the CCMA convention in Austin, TX.
- NCSC Flying Group: to fund airfare for students to attend the NCSC conference in Denver, CO
- NCSC Milwaukee: to fund registration, housing, and food costs for NCSC conference in Denver, CO
- Newman Center Jazz band: to fund CD recording
- The David School: to fund labor materials to remodel cabins
- Mountain Moms at St Peters in Monticello, KY: to fund transportation, maintenance, and insurance for Sister Una
- Lexington Catholic High School Beize Project: to send ten students to the Beize Project
- Annual Loretto Retreat: to fund scholarships for the retreat
- EKU Newman Center: to send five students to the NCSC
- NCSC: to fund van rental to transport students
- Catholic Diocese of Lexington: to fund the Hispanic Ministry Program
- Appalachia/Science in Public Interest: to expand trails
- Spiritual Growth Network, Inc.: to fund the “Many Faces of Spirit” program
- David Appalachian Crafts: to fund beginner sewing classes
- Jesuit Volunteer Corps: to fund group retreats for volunteers
- McCreary’s Christian Center: to fund budget/self-esteem workshops
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund attendance to Campus Ministry Conference
- Growing for Carter County: to purchase thermal windows
- NCSC: to fund transportation to the NCSC in Pittsburg
- Diocesan Office of Aid Ministry: to fund and present two workshops
- Holy Family Church: to purchase TV/VCR
- Campton Church of Good Shepherd: to fund supplies and water-heater
- KY Catholic Student Coalition: to fund attendance to the NCSC in Pittsburg
- Peace Place for Children: to fund play equipment
- EKU Newman Center: to fund attendance to the NCSC in Pittsburg
- Diocese of Lexington Youth Ministry: to fund attendance to the Christian Leadership Institution
- Fellowship Center at Wallins Creek: to fund materials for GED classes
- Fr. Gallenstein, Morehead NC: to fund attendance to Frank J. Lewis School
- St. Camilus Academy, Inc.: to fund chapel renovation
- Liturgy, Art & Environment Comm.: to fund Anne Binford’s attendance to an Art/ Religious Conference
- NCSC: to fund transportation and scholarships to attend the NCSC in St. Louis
- Newman Center Student Ministry: to fund the Campus Ministry Meeting
- Catholic Social Service Outreach: to fund educational programs
- EKU Newman Center: to fund attendance to the NCSC in St. Louis
- Morehead State University Newman Center: to fund attendance to the NCSC in St. Louis
- Catholic Social Services Bureau: to fund counseling and educational programs in Eastern Kentucky
- St. Vincent Mission, Inc.: to purchase sewing machine